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Heutte, Kilian | Daures, Fabienne | Lucas, Sterenn | Girard, Sophie | Alban, Frederique | Le Floc H, Pascal

The aim of this work is to assess whether the Covid-19 crisis has been anopportunity for French consumers to align their consumption at-home withenvironmental issues by favouring domestic producers or short distributionchannels. . L’objectif de ce travail est d’évaluer si la crise Covid-19 a été l’occasion pourles consommateurs français d’aligner leur consommation à domicile avecles enjeux environnementaux en favorisant la production nationale ou descircuits de distribution plus courts.


Du même auteur

Impact de la COVID-19 sur la consommation à domicile des produits de la pêche et de l’aquaculture en France

Auteurs :

  • Heutte, Kilian
  • Daures, Fabienne
  • Lucas, Sterenn

text | 2022-10-11

The COVID-19 has led to the closure of commercial catering, restrictions on imports and fishing. Besides a restrictive and anxiety-provoking context, consumption habits have likely been challenged. Fresh fishery and aquaculture pr...

Effet de la crise Covid-19 sur la consommation de PPA en RHD en France. Covid-19 crisis effect on out-of-home catering FAP consumption in France

Auteurs :

  • Heutte, Kilian
  • Daures, Fabienne
  • Lucas, Sterenn

text | 2022-12-08

In France, Out-Of-Home Catering (OOHC) consumption of Fishery and Aquaculture Products (FAP) is actually very little explored in the literature, due to a lack of available data. The pandemic has heavily affected the OOHC sector th...

Effet "en deux temps" de la crise COVID-19 sur les échanges extérieurs de PPA en France. The "two stage" effect of the COVID-19 crisis on external FAP...

Auteurs :

  • Heutte, Kilian
  • Daures, Fabienne
  • Lucas, Sterenn

text | 2023-06-16

Trade in Fisheries and Aquaculture Products (FAPs) was disrupted only very occasionally following the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 crisis in France. The shock has been illustrated in a very sharp and sudden drop (-25%) in ...

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