Archive ouverte | Oceanologica Acta, Special issue (0399-1784) (Gauthier-Villars), 1990

Schlich, R | Ball, G | Blanck, M | Boulanger, D | Boulanger, Mo | Bulot, A | Cantin, B | Doucoure, M | Durand, J

Edité par Gauthier-Villars

The first Rodriguez Cruise started on 14 January 1984 from Colombo and ended at Reunion Island on 16 February 1984. The second cruise left Reunion Island on 3 April 1984 and was completed in Singapore on 7 May 1984. The program included a detailed Seabeam, gravimetric and magnetic survey of the Rodriguez Triple Junction over an area of 7,200 km super(2) and similar surveys of an axial segment of each of the 3 associated spreading ridges. The 2 cruises together total 27,000 km of profiles. The scientific objectives of the Rodriguez cruises based upon detailed bathymetric, gravimetric and magnetic mapping of the surveyed areas are summarized.


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Etude geophysique des dorsales de l'ocean Indien dans la region du point triple de Rodriguez

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  • Munschy, M
  • Schlich, R

text | Gauthier-Villars | 1990

The Indian Ocean is dominated by as system of 3 mid-ocean ridges converging at the Rodriguez Triple Junction located near 25 degree 30'S and 70 degree E. Numerous studies carried out on these 3 ridges provided the basic informatio...

Campagne Rapanui (et transit Manrap): Les frontieres et les deformations de la microplaque Rapanui

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  • Francheteau, J
  • Patriat, P
  • Segoufin, J

text | Gauthier-Villars | 1990

The Rapanui Expedition consisted of three legs. The first leg (named Manrap) was a transit between Manzanillo, Mexico and Easter Island, Chile, the second leg (Rapanui 1) consisted of work on the Rapanui (Easter) microplate and wa...

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