Sustainability as a challenge. Finland's national report to the second United Nations conference on human settlements (Habitat II).


FINLANDE Ministry of the environment

Edité par Ministry of the environment. Helsinki - 1996

Date de publication : 01/01/1996

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Du même auteur

Futures for FEI. International evaluation of the Finnish Environment Institute. | FINLANDE Ministry of the environment

Futures for FEI. International evaluation of the Finnish Environment Institute.

Auteurs :

  • FINLANDE Ministry of the environment

Livre | Ministère de l'environnement. Helsinski | 1998

Sustainability as a challenge. Finland's national report to the second United Nations conference on human settlements (Habitat II). | FINLANDE Ministry of the environment

Sustainability as a challenge. Finland's national report to the second United Nations conference on human settlements (Habitat II).

Auteurs :

  • FINLANDE Ministry of the environment

| Ministry of the environment

Futures for FEI. International evaluation of the Finnish Environment Institute. | FINLANDE Ministry of the environment

Futures for FEI. International evaluation of the Finnish Environment Institute.

Auteurs :

  • FINLANDE Ministry of the environment

| Ministère de l'environnement

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