Alpine strategy for adaptation to climate change in the field of natural hazards


PROBST Thomas | WICKI Wanda | PICHLER Andreas | ZISCHG Andreas | Platform on Natural Hazards of the Alpine Convention

Edité par PLANALP. Bern (Suisse) - 2013

Date de publication : 01/01/2013

With this document, the Platform on Natural Hazards of the Alpine Convention (PLANALP), which has been successfully promoting integrated risk management since 2004, provides the first alpine-wide framework for climate change adaptation in the field of natural hazards. The strategic goals and recommendations follow an integrated, foresightbased and participatory approach and lay the foundations or efficient risk management solutions under changing climate conditions. The first steps in the implementation of these goals have already been taken and are illustrated using good practice examples from the alpine countries. These measures highlight the potential synergies of the cross-border exchange.

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