Archive ouverte | Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences Serie III-sciences de la Vie-life Sciences (0764-4469) (Elsevier France-editions Scientifiques Medicales Elsevier), 1991-06 , Vol. 312 , N. 13 , P. 663-669

Bardouil, Michele | Berland, Brigitte | Grzebyk, Daniel | Lassus, Patrick

Edité par Elsevier France-editions Scientifiques Medicales Elsevier

In samples collected from the harbour at Antifer (Normandy, France), a great number of Dinophysis cf. acuminata cells had retracted cytoplasm within a circular disc. We observed the release of a temporary cyst similar to other temporary dinoflagellate cysts. Several daughter cells still attached to the empty theca of the mother cell D. Sacculus showed apparently the shape and morphology of D. skaggi. This suggests that these small size cells are not different species but only morphotypes of Dinophysis' biological cycle.


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  • Lassus, Patrick

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Tandis que certa ines efflorescences micro-algales provoquent de sérieuses nuisances par leur développement exubérant, d'autres sont nocives en raison des toxines qu'elles produisent. Ces proliférations,  dangereuses pour les...

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