Archive ouverte | Oceanologica Acta, Special issue (0399-1784) (Gauthier-Villars), 1990

Mauffret, A | Jany, I

Edité par Gauthier-Villars

None available.


Du même auteur

Collision et tectonique d'expulsion le long de la frontiere Nord-Caraibe

Auteurs :

  • Mauffret, A
  • Jany, I

text | Gauthier-Villars | 1990

During the Seacarib Cruise the region south of the Greater Antilles (Hispaniola and Puerto Rico) has been investigated. During this survey we recorded continuously Seabeam, magnetic, gravity and seismic digitized data. The Muertos...

Campagne Mesopac: Leve de sites de forages ODP en sismique multitraces dans le bassin de Nauru

Auteurs :

  • Lancelot, Y
  • Froger, V
  • Cheminee, J L

text | Gauthier-Villars | 1990

The Mesopac Cruise was the first multichannel seismic study of the western basins of the Pacific Plate. It was concentrated in the Nauru Basin and in the western area of the Central Pacific Basin. Profiles were calibrated with dri...

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